EMC 2018 - Budapest, Hungary

Date: August 30th – September 3rd, 2018

Location: Basic Medical Science Center of Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary

IonOptix will be attending the 47th European Muscle Conference in Budapest, Hungary. Visit us at the Basic Medical Science Center of Semmelweis University from August 30th – September 3rd.  As part of this meeting we will be conducting two workshops, reviewing fundamental aspects of calcium and contractility measurements and discussing recent technology advancements from IonOptix.


Isolated Cardiac Myocyte Experimentation: High Throughput Calcium/Contractility and Mechanics Measurements

In the first workshop, we will demonstrate our high throughput system for calcium and contractility measurements on intact, isolated myocytes, our protocols for these experiments, plus the analysis and statistical treatment of the resulting data sets. In the second workshop, we will address mechanical experiments on intact and permeabilized cardiac myocytes and muscle strips. A third workshop is tentatively planned, visit our booth for more information.

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