US: +1 617 696-7335 | EU: +31 317 728 104|
  • IonOptix Intact Muscle Chamber

Intact Muscle Chamber


Interested in a COMPLETE Intact Muscle Chamber system? Learn more here Lying between single cell and whole heart experimental studies, intact papillary muscle isolated from hearts offers unique advantages. Unlike single isolated myocytes, which represent the smallest fully functional model system, intact papillary muscle can be used to study cardiac function within a multicellular context and an intact 3-dimensional myofilament lattice. And unlike whole heart studies, the contractile characteristics of papillary [...]

Intact Muscle Chamber2019-11-11T10:27:34-05:00
  • LED light source

LED Light Source


LED Light Source Recent advances in light emitting diodes have led to a number or previously unavailable wavelengths, including higher energy UV LEDs for Fura-2 illumination. We're proud to offer advanced LEDs offering excitation light for most common fluorophores. These LEDs feature closed-loop feedback control for stable intensity as well as protective overload circuitry to prevent LED damage. Wavelength switching is practically instantaneous and can be continuously alternated [...]

LED Light Source2024-02-01T16:37:50-05:00
  • Programmed Length Changes w Force

Advanced Signal Generator


IonOptix has expanded the functionality of its IonWizard core acquisition software to include increased hardware control as well as a new software module that improves the breadth of the MyoStretcher myocyte stretch and force measurement system, an integrated, full featured system that enables scientists to investigate muscle mechanics at the single cell level while synchronously recording quantitative fluorescence and sarcomere length. The MyoStretcher has been engineered to attach single myocytes and [...]

Advanced Signal Generator2019-11-09T21:01:46-05:00

Automatic Cell Finder


The MultiCell Automated Cell Finder enables users to load a sample, walk away, and come back to as many as hundreds of measured cells. In addition to ease of use, Automated Cell Finder eliminates human bias in cell selection. Specify the following criteria for cell selection: Cell area and aspect ratio Distance between cells Motion pattern when scanning for cells Cell motion detection The software will scan the field [...]

Automatic Cell Finder2019-11-09T21:07:29-05:00
  • Motic AE31

Motic AE31


Motic AE31 Photometry And Dimensioning Microscope The IonOptix-configured Motic AE31 inverted microscope provides an ideal platform for combined photometry and dimensioning measurements.  This microscope has been engineered to incorporate various unique IonOptix optical components and connectors in order to operate as the imaging component within our Calcium and Contractility Systems. It features upscale research functions, such as halogen Koehler illumination and epifluorescence capacity. The AE31 also incorporates Motic’s [...]

Motic AE312019-11-11T10:28:28-05:00
  • IonOptix MyoCam-S3



MyoCam-S3: High-Speed Contractility Camera The IonOptix MyoCam-S3™ is our third generation MyoCam. Featuring a faster, higher resolution CMOS sensor, it is uniquely designed for use with IonOptix Contractility Systems where high frame rates and sub-micron resolution are required to capture myocyte shortening. The MyoCam-S3™ is an all-digital, variable field rate camera that utilizes the USB3 Vision standard for higher data transfer rates over its USB2 predecessor while retaining [...]

  • IonOptix C-Pace Navigator Window

C-Pace Navigator


The new C-Pace Navigator software allows users to operate both the C-Dish and C-Stretch with a user-friendly interface, making it easy to customize stretch and stimulation protocols. Simple adjustments of both stretch and electrical parameters for each channel Pre-defined basic protocols for simple pacing procedures Adjustable trapezoidal waveform with expansion, hold, and contraction phases Save and re-load stretch and stimulation protocols [...]

C-Pace Navigator2019-11-09T21:09:06-05:00
  • CyFlo Software

CyFlo Perfusion Pump Control


The CyFlo software, when coupled with our custom CytoCypher perfusion system, gives users an easy-to-use and precise method of perfusion and compound delivery. In CyFlo, configure two independe in-flow pumps to deliver the number of solutions to the number of wells desired. An easy priming procedure ensures that only solution and not air is delivered to your sample. Choose to either add, remove, or perfuse with balanced flow a [...]

CyFlo Perfusion Pump Control2019-11-12T12:38:09-05:00
  • IonOptix MyoPacer

MyoPacer Cell Stimulator


MyoPacer To accommodate the needs of the myocyte research community, IonOptix developed an easy-to-use stimulator, specifically designed for pacing cardiac myocytes within our Calcium and Contractility Systems. A digital stimulator display allows users to set voltage, pulse duration, and frequency accurately and reproducibly. Output voltage, frequency, and duration can all be easily adjusted from the front panel and can be pre-programmed or changed on the fly. In addition [...]

MyoPacer Cell Stimulator2019-11-11T10:32:49-05:00

CytoSolver Transient Analysis Tool


CytoSolver provides fast automatic data analysis. Analyze batches of data in seconds by simply uploading files and letting CytoSolver take care of automatic transient rejection, data averaging, and curve fitting. Customize rejection parameters to suit your research. Available as a desktop or cloud-based platform. Cloud-based CytoSolver includes data visualization for quick box plots and bar graphs. Whether you're using MultiCell or MultiCell Lite to analyze hundreds of cells at [...]

CytoSolver Transient Analysis Tool2023-12-04T18:36:17-05:00
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